Monday, November 3, 2008

Light Goes

In all these things there

Is the presence of light, but

Light must not be in it to be

A true thing.

In every room there is nothing,

But there is light.

The light goes home quickly.

Light is a zipper that goes down

The road.

Light has many categories: mom-light,

Tree-light, paper-light, baby-light,

Orange-light, shoe-light, and


These are different than real

Lights: Mexican-Light and soy-light.

Light walks in no time at all.

It goes like “mmm, yes.”

Light is in tables. Light is

Easy like smooth pressure.

Light is afraid like all creatures,

And historical. More historical

As it moves.

1 comment:

Genevieve said...

"Light is afraid like all creatures, And historical. More historical As it moves."

Love it.